Learning About Holocaust Firsthand Accounts Via a Nevada Organization

by | Nov 3, 2020 | Career and Education

It’s a sad thing to think, but there are actually people in the world that believe that the Jewish Holocaust never happened and was a manufactured product of Allied propaganda teams. That’s terrifying when you consider the millions of Jews that survived the concentration camps and have firsthand accounts of the horrors of the Holocaust.

Only an effective Holocaust teaching plan that brings the realness of this horror right in front of students can change minds for the better. Educating young and old alike with Holocaust teaching plans that present so many real-life accounts from survivors can make a difference. A Nevada organization is bringing these teaching plans and accounts into stories via the following ways.

Detailed Lesson Plans

Detailed lesson plans are created by this organization that follows a logical line of teaching and an introduction to each of the concentration camps and the horrors that happened there. Stories taken from survivors and written down are texts for students to read and absorb. Videos that document survivors’ accounts before the survivors (who are now in their eighties and nineties) have passed away are made to view in class either over the internet or on DVD/Bluray. Follow it to teach students what they should know about this awful event.

Livestream Talks With Survivors

This organization in Las Vegas, Nevada provides the opportunity for Ben Leser, a Holocaust survivior, to live stream with classrooms full of students and talk about his personal experiences as Jews in concentration camps. Nothing makes quite the impact as a face-to-face session with someone who lived through the Holocaust.

If you want to know more, contact ZACHOR Holocaust Curriculum via Web.

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